Rockwilder is an action adventure / serious game prototype...

You embody a gardian golem that must gain in strength and power in order to protect the kingdom. To do this, he must absorb and assimilate all kinds of resistance material in order to increase his armor and gain offensive and defensive abilities.

Explore, gain knowledge and power to destroy your enemies.

Graphisme only make for play test. There is no artistic direction in this prototype.

Free asset from unity store been use for this prototype.

  1. Z Q S D to move
  2. Space to attack
  3. E to interact
  4. alt f4 for quit



The player is has to explore the area in order to discover harvestable and knowledge to progress and learn ability. He have to defeat various enemies ranging from the weak basic enemy to various bosses more dangerous but with powerfull loots.

Game mechanics

  1. Movement --> player can move top,bottom, left and right to move forward on the map.
  2. Combats --> to defeat his enemies the player can use his basic hand-to-hand attack, which requires good timing and a good placement on the part of the player against a moving enemies, or use his defense skill (shield) as a reward if he solves his first big challenge.
  3. Interactions --> the player has the ability to interact with different game elements such as NPC, banners or destructible objects. They will offer him, informations, knowledge (the serious game aspect, not enough designed and work I’m aware) or rewards.


The main difficulties were to offer a variety of challenges sufficient with peaks of difficulties appearing at the right time to avoid boredom and repetitiveness of the gameplay. The serious game aspect brings to the player knowledgeable on the topic of physics of materials. It is not sufficiently designed and worked to bring a relevant serious game aspect. The action exploration side is much more highlighted.


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